Collaboration with UNITED HANDS

Dear Customer:
The company's social action is the dedication of business resources to socioeconomic development projects that support disadvantaged people in the areas of social services, health, education, business training and employment.

This year, we have received numerous requests from our clients expressly requesting not to receive any type of personalized gift for the upcoming Christmas period.

We have taken up this desire and, in keeping with our commitment to promote activities and projects in the field of social responsibility as a fundamental value for companies, we have decided to allocate this investment fund to co-finance the project “GIE Centre de Promotion Agricole et sociale de Diembéring (CPAS Diembéring)” promoted by Manos Unidas in Senegal, Africa. Among the established objectives of this project is to make the farm school a technical and financial engine to progressively reduce dependence on external funds when preparing and executing projects in the region.

With this we want to highlight, once again, the strong momentum and development that has been experienced in recent years in the field of social action and corporate responsibility. We invite you to join this initiative.

With our humble contribution, and with the union of all, let us contribute to raising awareness and sensitizing, as well as seeking and finding solutions to a growing area, social responsibility.

Without further ado, we take this opportunity to greet you and wish you a Happy Holidays and a Happy New Year 2014.

General Management
GMV Eurolift, S.A.

GMV collaborates with Manos Unidas


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