
New ITC elevators 2023

What is the Complementary Technical Inspection of elevators? The objective of the ITC regulations for elevators (Complementary Technical Inspection) is to improve the safety of elevators installed in Spain and

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Cristian Andújar, new director of GMV EUROLIFT SAU

GMV Eurolift, SAU, a company of the GMV Spa group, is pleased to announce the appointment of Cristian Andújar as the new general manager. Under the leadership of Marco Martini, CEO of GMV Eurolift, SAU, GMV Spa is pleased to announce the appointment of Cristian Andújar as the new general manager.

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2023 Lifting Fair Calendar

What is the forecast for events after the pandemic? The new year begins and with it the fairs and events related to Elevation are launched. After some

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2022 Lifting Fair Calendar

Hoping that the general trend of the Covid-19 pandemic is one of improvement, the forecast is that during this year 2022 most events and fairs will be reactivated again.

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